Marketing and Programming Services

The Marketing and Programming Services (MAPS) committee is the planning and public face of RHA.

The marketing-side involves supporting the rest of the assembly by distributing marketing materials, updating the RHA website, and managing the RHA social media pages. The committee also organizes social media giveaways and runs all events.

The programming-side of the committee takes care of all large programming that RHA holds as well as managing the RHA rentals and other services RHA provides for its constituents. They are responsible for bringing wonderful events such as After Class Bash, formerly known as Pre-class Bash, Siblings Week, Iron Chef, Wellness Week, The Most A-Maize-ing Race, and many more!

The MAPS committee is chaired by 2 RHA Reps: a programming and a marketing chair. Any resident of university housing can join! For more information on MAPS, you can contact the ex-officio at

Some examples of events and marketing done by the MAPS Committee: